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Genetic tests BREAST AND EGG CANCER - information about the price at the outpatient clinic  
What is breast and ovarian cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common malignancies in women and its incidence in our country has been increasing in recent years. Ovarian and fallopian tube cancers account for about 3% of all malignancies in women. The risk of both of these tumors increases with age, the most common occurrence is between 50 and 60 years of age, but in the case of hereditary dispositions much earlier, after 30 years of age. Many women come to the doctor late when the progression of the disease reduces the chances of cure.

Causes and risks of breast and ovarian cancer

Tumor cell transformation is caused by the simultaneous action of several adverse factors (genetic talents, hormones, inappropriate lifestyle - overweight, smoking, alcohol). In the Slovak population, women have a lifetime risk of breast cancer of about 8%. However, this risk is greater among women whose blood relatives (including their paternal side) have had breast or ovarian cancer. In some homesteads it is the so-called hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome, which is caused by a congenital mutation in the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes (Breast Cancer Associated). Women with this genetic predisposition (carriers of a congenital BRCA gene mutation) are many times more likely to develop breast or ovarian cancer than the rest of the population. At the same time, there is an increased risk of developing other cancers for these women as well as men.

What a prevention option you have

Genetic analysis detects 6 mutations in the BRCA1 gene, which make up 73% of the most common mutations in the BRCA1 gene in our population. The result of the examination is a confirmation of the presence, resp. absence of the mutation tested. The result of genetic testing, together with the stated anamnestic data from personal and family history, will allow you to assess your lifelong risk of breast and ovarian cancer and determine the appropriate dispensary plan for you. For women who meet clinical diagnostic criteria based on personal and family history, a genetic consultation with our clinical geneticist is recommended, which ensures a complete examination of the entire BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 gene sequence (this examination is then fully covered by health insurance).

How does such a test work?

IN framework consultation with by you doctor takes over anamnesis a definitely, or je for Vás genetic test suitable. You, how patient, you sign informed consent to the examination and a simple swab from the oral cavity or blood collection follows. After completing the genetic analysis, your doctor will receive a report with the results, on the basis of which he will recommend appropriate preventive measures.

According to international recommendations, this examination is performed on women after reaching the age of majority.  

The examination is being carried out  GHC Genetics SK, sro
The laboratory is certified according to the standard ČSN EN ISO 9001: 2009 and ČSN ISO / IEC 27001: 2006 in the following fields: - Performing predictive genetic analyzes of DNA samples for the purpose of disease prevention.
- Performing forensic genetic analysis of DNA samples.
-Performing diagnostic genetic tests for the detection and prevention of genetically determined diseases.

The GHC GENETICS laboratory is accredited by the CZECH INSTITUTE FOR ACCREDITATION, ops (ČIA) as a medical laboratory no. 8124 according to the standard ČSN EN ISO 15189: 2007, the scope of accreditation is listed at The services provided by the laboratory within the scope of accreditation are covered by the international multilateral agreements EA (European co-operation for accreditation) and ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation). 

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